PROPAGATE: a seed propagation framework to compute Distance-based metrics on Very Large Graphs

Antonio Cruciani\(^1\)                                 Giambattista Amati\(^2\)

Daniele Pasquini\(^3\)                                    Paola Vocca\(^3\)

Simone Angelini\(^2\)





  • We have a very large graph (social, web)            
  • We want to understand something about its global structure  (not triangles/degree distribution etc.)
  • We consider distance-based metrics (diameter, average distance, etc.)     

Ball of radius \(r\)

|N(r)| = \sum_{u\in V} |N(u,r)|

For each node \(u\in V\) the ball of radius \(r\) is

N(u,r) = \{v\in V : d(u,v)\leq r\}

The overall number of reachable pairs  at distance \(r\) is

Diameter and Effective Diameter


\Delta = \min_{r\in [0,n-1]}\left\{r: |N(r)| = |N(r+1)|\right\}

Effective Diameter

\Delta^{\texttt{eff}} = \min_{r\in [0,n-1]}\left\{r: \frac{|N(r)|}{|N(\Delta)|} \geq \tau\right\}

\(\tau\in [0,1]\)

In this work we consider \(\tau=0.9\), i.e., the \(90^{th}\) percentile distance between the nodes

Average Distance and Connectivity Rate

Average Distance

\displaystyle\texttt{AvgDist} = \frac{\sum_{u,v\in V}\textbf{1}[u\rightsquigarrow v]\cdot d(u,v)}{\sum_{u,v\in V}\textbf{1}[u\rightsquigarrow v]} = \frac{\sum_{u\in V}\sum_{r\in [\Delta]} (|N(u,r)|- |N(u,r-1)|)\cdot r}{\sum_{u\in V}|N(u,\Delta)|}

Connectivity Rate

\alpha = \displaystyle\sum_{\substack{u,v\in V\\ u\neq v}}\frac{\textbf{1}[u\rightsquigarrow v]}{n(n-1)}\in [0,1]

Notice that the more the graph is connected the higher is \(\alpha\), and vice versa

How can we compute distance-based metrics?

N(u,r) = \displaystyle\bigcup_{(u,v)\in E} N(v,r-1) \cup \{u\}

Iteratively, by merging the neighborhoods [Palmer et al., (KDD' 02)]

Easy but expensive

  • Each set uses linear space; overall quadratic
  • Impossible!
  • What if we use approximate sets?
  • MHSE [Amati et al., (Bigdata' 17)] uses MinHash counters
  • HyperANF [Vigna et al., (WWW' 11)] uses HyperLogLog counters

PROPAGATE framework

Given a set of seed nodes \(S = \{x_1,x_2,\dots,x_s\}\)

Each \(u \in V\) has a Boolean signature array \(\texttt{Sig}(u)\) of length \(s\) in which

\texttt{Sig}_i(u) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1& \text{if }u\in S \land u \text{ is the }i^{th}\text{ seed}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right.
  • Simulate a diffusion process in which these bits spread across the network
  • Count the number of newly infected nodes at each round



Running time

Required Space

\(\mathcal{O}(\Delta\cdot m)\)

\(\mathcal{O}(s\cdot n+m)\)

Bit Spreading Process:

for each \(u\in V\):

\(\texttt{Sig}_{\texttt{new}}(u) =\) bitwise OR between \(\texttt{Sig}(u) \)        and the neighbors' signature

Count the newly infected nodes:


 \(\displaystyle\sum_{u\in V}||\texttt{Sig}(u)\oplus \texttt{Sig}_{\texttt{new}}(u) || \)


Every node \(u\in V\) has a signature of \(1\) bit

Bit spreading process executed sequentially

Running time

Required Space

\(\mathcal{O}(s\cdot\Delta\cdot m)\)

\(\mathcal{O}( n+m)\)

Theoretical guarantees


With  a sample of \(s=\Theta\left(\frac{\ln n}{\varepsilon^2}\right)\) nodes, with high probability, PROPAGATE framework computes:

  • the average distance with the absolute error bounded by \(\varepsilon \frac{\Delta}{\tilde{\alpha}}\)
  • the effective diameter with the absolute error  bounded by  \(\frac{\varepsilon} {\tilde{\alpha}}\)
  • the diameter with the absolute error bounded by \(\frac{\varepsilon} {\tilde{\alpha}}\)
  • the connectivity rate \(\alpha\) with the absolute error bounded by \(\varepsilon\)






\(\mathcal{O}(\frac{\ln n}{\varepsilon^2}\cdot\Delta\cdot m)\)


\(\mathcal{O}(\Delta\cdot m)\)

\(\mathcal{O}(\frac{\ln n}{\varepsilon^2}\cdot n+m)\)

Experimental Setting

We compare our algorithms with






\(\mathcal{O}(\Delta\cdot m)\)

\(\mathcal{O}(\Delta\cdot m)\)

\(\mathcal{O}(s\cdot m)\)

\(2\cdot s\cdot n\cdot \log_2(\log_2 (n/s))\) bits


\(2\cdot s\cdot n\cdot \log_2n\) bits

Experimental Setting

Every algorithm is run using 256 seeds/registers

Every algorithm is run 10 times

Machine used:  server equipped with AMD Opteron 6376 CPU (2.3GHz), 32 cores and 64 GB of RAM

All the algorithm have been implemented in Java


Accuracy and Effectiveness


Estimation of distance-based metrics

Ground truths computation

Estimating Distance Metrics on huge graphs


In this work:

Future directions:

  • Introduced a novel approach to compute the distance-based metrics
  • Theoretically and experimentally showed the advantage of using our framework over the state of the art
  • Extend PROPAGATE to compute centrality measures of nodes/edges and to community detection tasks                      
  • Showed that our framework is the only available option to approximate distance-based metrics when we do not have access to servers with a large amount of memory

Thank You

Our graph library

Additional Experiments: PROPAGATE-S' incremental approach

PROPAGATE framework

Given a set of seed nodes \(S = \{x_1,x_2,\dots,x_s\}\)

Each \(u \in V\) has a Boolean signature array \(\texttt{Sig}(u)\) of length \(s\) in which

\texttt{Sig}_i(u) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1& \text{if }u\in S \land u \text{ is the }i^{th}\text{ seed}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right.
  • Simulate a diffusion process in which these bits spread across the network
  • Count the number of newly infected nodes at each round


Bit Spreading Process:

for each \(u\in V\):

\(\texttt{Sig}_{\texttt{new}}(u) =\) bitwise OR between \(\texttt{Sig}(u) \)        and the neighbors' signature

Count the newly infected nodes:


 \(\displaystyle\sum_{u\in V}||\texttt{Sig}(u)\oplus \texttt{Sig}_{\texttt{new}}(u) || \)